APOA Sponsors 15th Annual Boots And Badges Blood Drive

Coffee Memorial Blood Center hosted its annual Boots and Badges Blood Drive Kick-off Party at their blood center on June 24th, 2022.  The drive started 15 years ago after the APOA sought out a local charity to partner with for a community event.  The APOA board met with then-director of marketing for Coffee Memorial, Suzanne Talley, and the 2-month blood competition between police and fire was born.  The event has grown exponentially since, and has spread across the panhandle, through Oklahoma, and into Arkansas.  The drive helps fill the gap in the tough summer months where donations go down, but the need for blood goes up.  APOA board members work in the months leading up to the event to secure emergency vehicles, permits, and volunteers.  The association members vote to purchase the food and volunteers from the APOA ranks cook hamburgers and hot dogs for donors and their families.  This year, Coffee Memorial drew 508 units of blood - second most all-time for the yearly event.  This has become a huge event and a way for local law enforcement to show their appreciation to our community.  In 2021, law enforcement won the donor vote between LE and Fire for the second time.  We hope to do it again thanks to awesome support from our neighbors.  Thanks for stepping it APOA...and go Badges!

Thank You For Supporting The Badge

The Deputy Sheriffs' Association of Alameda County would like to thank YOU for your donation, time and committed support during our “Support The Badge” fundraising campaign. Your generous donations will help us support our critically injured deputies and their families. In addition, you help us support our community through programs like community outreach, little leagues, families in need, and other worthy causes.

We appreciate you standing side-by-side with us as partners as we give back to the community we all support and love.

Thank you YOU for joining our deputy family and being part of a community team that connects us all together! Your donation has helped us reach our annual goal and we are honored to serve people like you.

Deputy Sheriffs' Association of Alameda County