Amarillo Police Officers Association
P.O. Box 9508
Amarillo, Texas 79105
April 10th, 2023 – Press Release
May 2023 Amarillo City Council Endorsements
The Amarillo Police Officers Association was established in 1980 and represents 327 working Amarillo Police Officers, which is 95% of the sworn officers in the department. Our mission is to enhance the lives of our members and our city through benevolent and civic engagement. The association hosts political candidates who request to speak to the membership. Multiple city council candidates for every seat addressed the APOA, with the exception of candidates from the Place 2 race. Association members voted to endorse or not endorse candidates after hearing from all those that requested to speak.
The following candidates are fully endorsed by the APOA for the May 6th, 2023 election:
Mayor – Cole Stanley - Mr. Stanley has proven himself to be a responsible representative of the people of Amarillo. He knows and addresses the issues brought before the city council. He asks thoughtful questions and always seeks to understand the “why” before making decisions. He also seeks to challenge long-standing bureaucratic practices that waste tax-payer time and money. Mr. Stanley is also an active supporter of first responders, and has been consistent in his message that public safety is the foundation for a safe and happy Amarillo.
Place 1 – Dean Crump - Mr. Crump is a successful business man who knows how to work within a budget, large or small. When he spoke with members of the APOA, Mr. Crump impressed members with his knowledge of the city budget. He showed to have educated and prepared himself to answer tough questions related to city finances. Dean Crump is an active supporter of first responders, lending his time and money to causes that support those that put their lives on the line every day. Mr. Crump was sincere in his concern and follow-up questions when he was presented with the modern challenges that police officers face in today’s political climate. Of all the Place 1 candidates that spoke to the APOA, Mr. Crump relayed a passion to tackle the most important needs of the city first – including public safety.
Place 2 – No endorsement
Place 3 – Tom Scherlen - Tom Scherlen has been a successful business and family man in Amarillo for decades. He knows how to balance a budget and work within its fiscal means. Mr. Scherlen has spent years educating himself on the way local government works, and is prepared to contribute with his time and relentless work ethic. He is not afraid to ask the tough questions to get to the bottom of big issues. Tom Scherlen’s passion for restoring trust in local government is evident to anyone that spends any time talking to him. There is little doubt that he will give everything he has, and more, to a seat on the Amarillo City Council. Tom Scherlen is an avid supporter of first responders. His sincere efforts to bock those that keep us all safe are well known. He and his family certainly have a unique knowledge of the challenges, and sacrifices, that first responders make for our community. He believes that the foundation of a great community is safety.
Place 4 – Les Simpson - Les Simpson believes strongly in Amarillo because it is a faith-based, conservative community. While serving as publisher for the Globe-News, Mr. Simpson learned a number of valuable lessons that translate to public service. First, he understood that there were always two sides to a story. Mr. Simpson learned to do his homework, digging into the facts before taking a stance on a tough issue. He also learned that sometimes the loudest voices don’t necessarily represent the will of the people. Before the days of social media, Mr. Simpson bore the burden of being the voice for the people of Amarillo, sometimes in opposition of the establishment. The APOA believes it is important to have a council member that will research the issues, listen to all sides of an argument, and make the best decision possible without pressure from, or promise to, any group or individual. Mr. Simpson understands that public safety is a top priority for Amarillo and our citizens. Families can thrive when they feel safe in their homes and businesses.
Toby Hudson – President
Amarillo Police Officers Association
The Deputy Sheriffs' Association of Alameda County would like to thank YOU for your donation, time and committed support during our “Support The Badge” fundraising campaign. Your generous donations will help us support our critically injured deputies and their families. In addition, you help us support our community through programs like community outreach, little leagues, families in need, and other worthy causes.
We appreciate you standing side-by-side with us as partners as we give back to the community we all support and love.
Thank you YOU for joining our deputy family and being part of a community team that connects us all together! Your donation has helped us reach our annual goal and we are honored to serve people like you.
Deputy Sheriffs' Association of Alameda County